For the current fees for PÁV certificate issuance, please click HERE

Expert opinions on the results of PÁV qualifications obtained after 1st April 1978 are issued by the Pályaalkalmassági Igazgatóság (that is Directorate of Assessing Fitness to Drive) on the basis of the assessment of fitness register, for a fee and in accordance with Section 3 § (3) of Government Decree 444/2017. (XII.27.).

Please proceed with caution during the administration as the process of requesting certificates was modified in September 2023. 


Submission of certificate requests and fee payment on the electronic interface 

Once the required data have been provided, the datasheet of a certificate request can be finalised by pressing the "Submit" button. In case an e-mail address has previously been provided, the datasheet of the certificate request shall be sent atomatically by e-mail. If, however no e-mail address has previously been provided, a copy of the datasheet must be downloaded and saved.

Registration becomes possible only after the certificate request has successfully been submitted (this may require the data provided on the datasheet, too), because fee payment can solely be initiated following the registration.

Fees can be paid only after the datasheet has been submitted and registration has been completed.

Note: If filling in the electronic form and fee payment cannot be done simultaneously, only bank transfer can be accepted.

Process of certificate requests in the case of bank transfer 

After entering the required data on the electronic interface, submission of certificate requests can be finalised by pressing the "Submit" button. In case an e-mail address has previously been provided, the datasheet of the certificate request shall be sent atomatically by e-mail. If, however no e-mail address has previously been provided, a copy of the datasheet must be downloaded and saved.

Registration becomes possible only after the certificate request has successfully been sent This may require the data provided on the datasheet, too.

The certificate fee is to be paid to the Examination Centre’s bank account number 11711003- 21463062-000000000 held with OTP Bank. Identification number received during the application is to be indicated in the reference section of the transfer order (J/IG-...../2024).

Should the request for a certificate be not submitted through the electronic interface, a paper-based copy of the datasheet of certificate request downloaded from the Examination Centre’s document repository, dully filled in and signed can be submitted either in person or by post together with the proof of fee payment, that is the confirmation of transaction approval received from the bank. In this case, the client’s name and the Hungarian expression „PÁV igazolás” (that is PÁV certificate) are to be indicated in the reference section of the transfer order (eg.: Sample Eva PÁV igazolás).

To download the datasheet of certificate request, please click HERE  (Please note that the datasheet is available only in Hungarian.)

Postal address: 1082 Budapest, Vajdahunyad u. 45. or 1438. Budapest, Pf.  477. 
Person-to-person administration: 1082 Budapest, Vajdahunyad u. 45.

Please note that certificate requests can no longer be submitted via e-mail.

Electronic completion of the certificate request data sheet