
According to the amendments of Act XCVII of 1995 on Aviation, in cooperation with Ministry for Innovation and Technology, KAV Centre for Assessing Fitness to Drive and Drivers’ Examinations Non-Profit Limited Liability Company started taking over the organization of theoretical knowledge aviation examinations from 01 July 2021. A separate organizational unit, the Centre for Aviation Examinations has been established by the company to coordinate the process. Takig over the examinations will be completed upon issuance of implementing instructions included in government decree. 

The action will ensure standard examination activity in transportation area, which may futher improve the level of procedure of aviation examination procedure, will make it faster and more flexible.


Air crew trainig is done by approved training organizations (ATO) and declared training organizations (DTO). The list of training organizations are available on the website Bemutatkozás - Légügyi Szakszolgálati Hatósági Főosztály - Közlekedési Hatóság (kormany.hu) of Licencing Department.


According to the decision the Examination Centre conducts theoretical knowledge examinations required for issuing licences of air crew within its competence  – except air navigation and air traffic crew. Furthermore the same organization will conduct theoretical knowledge examinations for issuing examiner certificates related to government decree for air crew and aircraft.

This means two types of examinations:
•    pilot examinations 
•    flight officers

It is important to note that only the conduct of theoretical knowledge examinations fall within the competence of the Examination Centre, aviation practical examinations do not fall within its competence!

Application for the examination

Application for pilot examinations can be made via the online administration interface of Civil Aviation Authority.
Before submitting an application please read our handout and the rules for theoretical examination.

In order to access eHivatal registration is needed. After registration the following functions are available:

  • apply for theoretical knowledge examination
  • booking of theoretical knowledge examination date
  • status of theoretical knowledge examinations
  • apply for practical examination
  • status of practical examinations
  • pilot licence information

In case of flight officers the application for the examinations can only be made by filling in and submitting a paper based form.

Place of examination

The place of theoretical knowledge examination is: 1033 Budapest, Polgár street 8-10. Building „E” Ground Floor 

  • Approach: tram no. 1 to „Szentlélek tér” station, cca 500 m walking
  • Parking is subject to fee

Examination fees

Pursuant to Article 2/A, §7 of the Government Decree No. 141/1995 (XI. 30.) on the implementation of Act XCVII. of 1995 on Air Transport, the KAV Centre for Assessing Fitness to Drive and Drivers’ Examinations (hereinafter referred to as the "Examination Centre") is entitled to determine its own fee regulations.

Pursuant to Article 3(1) of Decree 3/2024 (I. 18.) of the Ministry of Construction and Transport amending Decree 3/2002 (VI. 20.) of the Ministry of Economy and Transport on the fees for official procedures related to air transport, payment obligations arising from 3 February 2024 shall be settled according to the new fees.The application must be accompanied by the proof of payment (copy of the cash transfer order or the certificate issued by the bank certifying the fact of the bank transfer).

The fee must be paid by the applicant at the time of application as follows:
Account number: OTP Bank Nyrt. 11711003-21463062 
Owner of account: KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Kft., Polgár street 8-10., 1033 Budapest
IBAN: HU6811711003 21463062 00000000
The information to be included in the payment details: name of the candidate and the number of the fee line in the fee regulation.

Customer Service

E-mail: aviation@kavk.hu
Phone: +36 30 600 6170
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